ACA OnDemand
ACA Made Simple
Apex HCM’s ACA OnDemand provides a cloud-based solution to assist employers with managing and complying with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
ACA OnDemand minimizes the administrative burden, mitigates the risk of IRS penalties and accurately files the required tax forms, while allowing companies to manage their data.
A full analysis & compliance solution designed to simplify & reduce manual processes.
Easily configure and track your Measurement, Stability and Administrative Periods.
Employee Forms: Prepare and print form 1095-C for employees or have the forms shipped directly to the employees.
Dashboards and reports to track Employee Eligibility, Full Time Equivalents, Affordability and Applicable Large Employer Status.
Connect directly to your payroll data and expands your ability to monitor, report and conduct affordability checks
Built-in tools to manage health plan coverage information.
Measurement period cycles down to child companies.
Monitor full-time status for variable-hour employees.
Determine your responsibility as an Applicable Large Employer.
IRS Filing: Electronic filing of forms 1094-C and 1095-C required by the IRS
Hourly Tracking: Keep track of and manage employee hours to determine eligibility for benefits.
Automatic tracking of coverage based on defining factors.
Alerts and notifications to maintain compliance
Dedicated ACA Reporting Technology: Easily access the data and reports needed for ACA, including: Affordability, Applicable Large Employer and ACA Eligibility reports
Provides employers with the ability to produce & file required IRS forms.
+ 1095 & 1094 C Federal Forms Accessible
+ Made for Clients with Full-Time Employees
+ Eliminates Need to Measure Out Employees
+ Ease of Access Reporting
* Additional services available including mailing forms directly to employees & e-filing with the IRS, enabling a streamlined ACA experience.